Interior painting services at Vey's Painting in Houston, TX

Interior Painting: A Complete Guide to Become a Pro!

Interior painting can be a lot of fun, but it’s also a pretty demanding job. Usually, you might do this every couple of years or once a year, so you might not be well-versed in the tips pro home painters have that help them get the job done efficiently.

For pro home painters, time is literally money, so they have many tricks up their sleeves to paint faster, cleaner and smarter without putting quality on standby. 

Up next, we go over some of the best tips to paint your home like a pro!

Get Rid of Flaws

The first thing pro painters get to is smoothing the surface they’ll be painting, so the coats of paint have this smooth look every homeowner is looking for. 

Actually, when you get started with your interior painting project, you’ll be doing more sanding than actually painting since this is probably the most important part of the process.

Use Good Painting Supplies

This one is pretty obvious. If you want your interior painting project to look professional, you must use professional tools. You must not cheap out on paint and brushes, since having the right tools will make the job a lot easier for you!

If you get cheap brushes, bristles will fall out into the paint, making the finished product look very unprofessional. On the other hand, paint is very important (obviously) since it’ll offer you the best coverage, last a long time, and provide an easy cleanup process.

Box Your Paint

Boxing your paint doesn’t really have anything to do with boxes! So, before you go running to get some old cardboard boxes, keep on reading. 

When pro painters talk about paint boxing, they’re referring to the process of mixing several cans of paint into a bigger container. But, why do this? Well, different cans of paint can have slight pigmentation differences that, if you crack open a can in the middle of the job, will be obvious to the eye. 

So, mixing the cans of paint ensures a consistent color all around your interior painting project!

Remove Electric Plates

Usually, you’re expected to mask electrical outlets and switch plates with tape. This takes a lot of time, and usually, the results are not as good as just simply removing them! This will save time and ensure a more professional-looking final product.

There’s Always an Easier Way!

Even with the great tips discussed above, interior painting can be a drag. It’s an uphill task, and you might not get the results you’re expecting. Thankfully, there’s always an easier way!

At Vey’s Painting & Refinishing, we take care of your interior painting needs in Houston, TX! With over 30 years of experience in the painting and refinishing industry, you can rest assured we’ll deliver a high-quality, professional product.

Don’t worry! Vey has got you covered! Reach out to us now, and let’s revitalize your home!


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