Cabinet Refinshing services at Vey's Painting

Repair your Cabinets with Vey’s Painting & Refinishing

Kitchen cabinets are one of the standout parts of any kitchen. And, while they can last a long time, thinking about cabinet refinishing is always a good thing to do, considering they get oil splatters and all sorts of nasty things on them. Also, since they have lots of moving parts like hinges, they’re prone to fail due to use. 

Whether a small cabinet repair or thorough cabinet maintenance, there’s a comprehensive solution for Houston, TX house needs, Vey’s Painting & Refinishing! 


As Good as New!

New cabinets are really expensive. We get it! That’s why our specialized team of professionals is at your service to make those cabinets look brand new. 

With our tailor-made service, bringing a fresh new look to your kitchen without spending a lot of money has never been easier! We sand, prime, and hand-paint every single one of our cabinet maintenance orders in Houston, TX.

Experienced Craftsmanship at your Disposal

We offer excellence and have delivered it for over 30 years. If you own a set of old cabinets that you care for a lot, reach out to us! At Vey’s Painting & Refinishing, we care for your cabinets, and we want to make them look as good as possible while preserving their original look!

With our expert craftsmanship, your cabinets will look brand-new again. Whether they have been dented, chipped, or scratched, there’s simply no task too big for us! Trust us. We’ve been doing this for a very long time

We’ll Take It From Here!

Look, cabinet maintenance is a must for most kitchens. It can revitalize the space and make the experience of cooking and just being in the kitchen a lot more wholesome and enjoyable. 

Many DIY sets could get you halfway when dealing with cabinet repair, but sometimes it’s best to call the pros!

We’ve been doing this for more than 30 years, so reaching out to us if you need cabinet refinishing for your Houston, TX home is simply a no-brainer! Contact us now so you can start revitalizing your kitchen with cabinet maintenance professionals! 


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