Common Home Painting Problems & How To Avoid Them

A house is a shelter, a special place. More than just protecting us from the outside world, it also expresses who we are, our tastes, values, and our identity. The paint is one of the ways these are expressed, and it’s also one of the first people notice. Therefore, we want to share the best painting tips with you, especially since repainting is a great expense. 

For this, you should be aware of some common problems that may happen when painting. In some cases, it will take some time for these to show, but they eventually will. Let’s look at some common problems, their causes, and what you can do to solve painting problems fast.


Wrinkling happens when the paint is applied in thick layers, and the bottom of the layer dries later than the top. This can form a top “skin”. It may also happen due to the weather conditions. However, there are simple solutions; make sure any old layer is completely dried. Also, paint using thin layers instead of applying thick ones. 


Blistering isn’t as common as wrinkling, but it still happens and can be solved similarly. It’s best to let the paint dry completely before adding a new layer. Else you will run into the same problem. Also, avoid extreme weather and make sure the surface you are working on is clean.


Yellowing is a very common problem that most people don’t notice until it’s too late. It happens due to the unique properties of oil paint and how it interacts with its environment. To avoid this, be sure the area and surface you will paint are right for oil-based paints or opt for other types.


Peeling isn’t a big deal, but it can be quite annoying, especially when it happens in places that are hard to reach. To avoid this, you should spread a layer of primer before painting. This will give the paint something to stick on and a surface it can’t peel off.


Mudding happens when over-applying the primer, creating a thick film that cannot be easily removed or sanded down. To prevent this, be careful and apply primer only to the areas you want to be painted and not on the entire surface. Do it in thin layers rather than a thick coat. This will ensure that you don’t end up with this problem.


To avoid cracking, make sure there is no moisture or humidity on the surface before applying the paint. It’s best to wait until it’s dry before applying more layers. Otherwise, you may end up with ugly cracks in your wall that ruin its effect and give it an aged look.

Professionals Know Best How To Look Out For All Of This


The best way to solve painting problems fast is prevention, and overall, you can do simple things to prevent them from happening. But if you are still experiencing any of them despite your best efforts, don’t panic! While these problems are easy to solve, we’re well aware there are many variables to look out for, so it’s easy for homeowners to miss one.

We recommend that you fix the problem by getting help from professionals. Searching for professional painting services in Houston? We got you covered. Vey’s Painting & Refinishing offers you interior painting services in Houston. Our professional team is well prepared to look out for all the precautions to take when painting. 

Get in touch with us to help you make your home look like the house of your dreams.


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